Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Rotronic Logistic Treiber

Review - AXIOM

AXIOM - Truth Denied
(2009, self-released)

The Axiom , band coming from the lands of Naples, was born in 2004come side project of Power Metallers Landguard but benpresto and rightly so, the project takes a road entirely of its own, and dopol'EP Metamorphosis and the debut full length conil A Moment Of Insanity , you come up with a renewed and powerful line-up to the second work titled Truth Denied . The band, led daltalentuoso keyboardist / singer Lello Acampo, calls itself Thrash Power Metal, but in my opinion Dividends (and / or listen) to Thrash, for as conceptually and historically such as himself, cen'è very little, but surely we are dealing with a Prog Metal sounding very tough.
Just to give a name (but could do so many elder, or better yet no one, since the Axiom nelladurata the great show on the record a certain personality), I can think of the SymphonyX for the compactness and the impact given by the strong guitar riffs, a rhythm section eda very high performance. Combine this with the voice siaggiunge growl and scream new frontman of the heavy blow SimoneGallinaro is guaranteed!
Truth Denied is a self-produced disc, but nonetheless there troviamodi front of a work, called in technical terms, "splits" in suatotalità, good production in which the complicated structures of each branorisultano perfectly listenable, artwork very well cared for finireal suggestive concept behind this record, a fantastic story eoriginale infernal pacts surrounded by swirling diinganni plots, where the greatest deception comes precisely from those who you least expect it. The six boys who
compongonola band doth a technical background to each piece of great thickness, manon Expect needless virtuosity in themselves, the technique of ognisingolo element is always placed there as a function of the piece, in unsongwriting truly remarkable. The rhythm section, supported by Walter Tore Ditto Montonealla drums and bass, is earth-shaking, guitars Tony Acampae Andy Scala show in rock rhythms and refined in themselves, and is well connected by iltutto web woven by the keyboards of LelloAcampa between carpets and solos that will make the author of a provision egregia.L 'alchemy of Axiom is completatadalla voices mingling with those angry Lello clean and sharp DiSimone, and the melodic chorus and devastating RED EYES is just a great esempiodi this very successful marriage, in an album where all songs are linked by uninvisibile thread, and where in the wall of sound of the band telluric campanatrovano space also nice break softer. And when a disk similepensi have heard it all, in the closing KEEP THE RAIN comes unadolcissima and melancholy ballad-only keyboards, piano and vocals, where adaffiancare Lello this time we find the beautiful voice of Claudia Andretta, author of an excellent performance.
Maybe the sound of Truth Denied ancorapiù bad result would be putting out slightly more battery power, but essendoun'autoproduzione the end result certainly looks like a job aldi above average, and the Axiom I can only wish to continue on this path, the rest cipenseranno themselves.




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