Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Can Newborn Take Camera Flash

23/03/2011 - 1500 +1000

I went out at 9:40, temperature 13 ° C, sunny.
This morning when I woke up I immediately realized that the leg was not pretty full. I was not tired, but I had the feeling that every great athlete recognizes within himself when he is facing a race or a hard day's work.
I thought I had to do to repeat and I said let's see how I go and then decide on the way as usual.
I started, the day was beautiful, beautiful sunshine, temperature and ideal for racing. The usual first 2k slow pace to warm up and then I left for a 2000 dry, but already the passage of the 500 meters even though the Garmin told me that I was running at a good pace, I did not feel my legs smooth, beautiful, and instead of going to power but with a certain flexibility, I started to meet the latter power, lengthening the stride and pushing hard with their feet. I realized that was not the day and it was better to give up, and that's how I broke in 2000, converting it to a 1500, released honorably with a time of 5'31 "with average or 3'40" / k . Quick recovery and then I left for a 1000 to do agility, closed 3'50 "and finally I pulled the oars. I deleted the repeated and I shortened the session and I'm back home slowly.
Not all donuts with a hole can someone said, the important thing is to understand and overexertion. When there are good conditions for training is useless to insist.
Summary of session:
Tot KM 12.120 - time 53'06 "- average 4'22"

Monday, March 21, 2011

Point-and-shoot Camera With Raw Format

21.03.2011 - 20.03.2011

I left at 13:45, temperature 10 ° C, sunny.
fatigue in the legs, because I barely slept last night, I got up at 6:00 to go to work and it was a stressful day.
Overall the session went well. I also did a good reach the final. I do the night shift tonight, rest tomorrow and Wednesday repeated.
Summary of session:
Tot KM 9.250 - time 42'34 "- average 4'36"

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Barska Spotting Scope Reveiws 25-75x75

Lento - Lento

I went out at 9:45, temperature 10 ° C, sunny.
morning images of the departure of Rome and an accomplice also galvanized me a beautiful sunny day I made a slow paced workout with great feeling of lightness.
was so long that I did not feel that way. I made the first k over 4'40 "and then all the others are also under k with the last 400 meters with the final extension.
I feel tired but not much. Lunch and now I'm going to work.
Summary of session:
Tot KM 11.940 - time 54'21 "- average 4'33"

Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Truth About Solid Ink

Review - Review

RUSTY NAILS - MindControl
(2011, self-released)

The Pisan Rusty Nails was founded in 2001, and their troubled storiavede several changes of line -up and some dark moment of deadlock, the chebisogna wait ten years to see the light of their first release, infattiil their debut EP titled MindControl only comes out in early 2011. Ten years is a long, but definitely worth it evals: the product in question is a true and autenticabotta! The Rusty Nails
, parties as Avatar purely as a project Rock, over the years have shifted their sound towards the circle with unanetta Metal and injured tracks that make Mind Control the results of the various influences of the band, or unpotente, robust and dynamic Heavy Metal that winks at the past, but with the eyes looking forward versosonorità certainly impact!
ottimamentearrangiate All the songs are: the hard guitar riffs and refined at the same time, ClaudioDalla Brown (rhythm) and Richard Alderete (solo), get married perfettamentecon the mighty rhythm section of Matthew Peake on bass and Federico Vivianialla battery. All musicians demonstrate a lofty technical rate, the good benrappresentato product registration in question, but senzanulla remove the tools, the proof of the singer Paul "Ozzy" Billi ècostantemente over the top, his uvula imperious towers on each branofacendo think sacred cows Bruce Dickinson as , GeoffTate or parts of the most epic Messiah Marcolin . The open track
END OF ALL DAYS Eil perfect piece to open a disc, a song that despite several changes diritmica maintains a constant line of sound really effective, and to follow c'èl'ottima SHADOW OF THE BLACK HAND, opening with a riffone Heavy powerful and eighties, and the piece more continuadimostrandosi Maiden of the lot, especially in the solo of Richard, who resembles something TheClairvoyant the iron maiden. We come then to the title track, which starts with a melancholy arpeggio and then flows into a powerful mid-temposostenuto the double bass Federico, a song that at times brings to mentee Warlord . Now we are immersed in the attack after the front DOGS OF WAR to the pezzopiù quick and even more the impact of this ep, while the subsequent BURN onemore slows the pace and then we come the final Nevermore, unasuggestiva power ballad that risultaefficace in all over seven minutes of his life. The Rusty Nails
put us very, very long time to pull fuoriil their debut, but the result is remarkable: Mind Control is an excellent product, played by a band decisamentematura and also ready for something more, and hoping that the quadrature delgruppo other smooth or abrupt, I am sure that in future ancoraparlare hear of this band.



Information On Back Pain More Condition_symptoms


DREKER - In Thrash WeTrust
(2010, self-released)

I Dreker Salento is a band born in 2008 at the behest delvocalist Alessandro Fiore with the intent to combine its spasmodic amoreper the old school Thrash Metal sound commonly powerful and wicked action ironic view of all that giraintorno to each individual! The monicker is none other than the classic dialectic storpiazione Salento Dreher beer, absolutely the most abused in the home of this band. After several changes dilineup you arrive at a well-defined training in which Alexander siaffiancano Germano Panic and Christian Scigliuzzo on guitars, bass and David bisantial Matthew Strong on drums, and with this training comes to life first graduation of the band self-produced EP containing five songs!
The disc opens with Homer Simpson that toasts vocedi nientepopodimenoche ... alcohol! Only this introvale well as a business card, giving a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe musical quintet theProposal Salento, but if this is not enough we are upfront WE WANT TO DRINK, which more than the title of unbrano, is an anthem! Sharp riffs, and chest and rullantesparati, recipe that has nothing but the original context of works perfettamentenel Thrash Metal purely Speed \u200b\u200b of no-frills Dreker . The approach to tedesconi Tankard is inevitable as well as for music, even for the student spirit of the texts and perl'attitudine purely Punk datadal impact of each track, and the songs take shape all sullastessa wavelength , nothing special technicalities at the expense of unaschiettezza vomited every second! The other titles of the songs say what we just said lungasu: BIMBOMINKIA (fan of Tokyo Hotel prepared Lavaselli ... ND / Piranha), WAR OF THEWHORES and the title track IN THRASH WE TRUST. An episode is a part lastrumentale A Moment Of Lucidity, a song by the very structure piùcomplessa that in over six minutes travel in different directions in addition to exploring music altrilidi Thrash adispetto title ... but I firmly believe that this is born fondamentalmenteda a collective hangover more grim and significant others. The sins of
IN THRASH WE TRUST certainly not the production that enhances the work of Dreker , often in the episodes and solo guitars are a little too much batter, and while on stage the band is made perfect in your eperennemente ease in the studio there's still a bit '... Mapocho inexperience of evil, this is just the beginning: top bottles and burp free!



Symptoms Of Liver Disease In Guinea Pigs

Interview - DEVASTATOR

hilarious, irreverent, unpredictable and hyperactive, they speak deitoscanacci Devastator from Lucca, the last direct way chedopo EP titled AndateveneTutti Fuck! is preparing to celebrate the 10th year of operation conl'uscita the fourth studio album (due in September / October) with a titoloaltrettanto The provocative as MusicaFa Schifo . Respond to our questions the two historic founders Luca (drums) and Rob (guitar and vocals).

1) Hi guys, the readers of Arci Metal Webzine mododi had read the review of your last EP All Fuck Go away! . We start by asking if that fanculoè reported that after 10 years you are still here ("eh, already .." direbbeVasco) and wanted to take away from the famous "pebble in the shoe" or is there dietroqualcos'altro?
Luca Alberto decisedi After leaving the band, the situation was not the best, even perchéeravamo remained for the second time without finding a singer and altroall'altezza took time and care above all to find a reliable person capacee at the same time. We also have risked even scioglierci.Non was right though, because I thought Rob and Rich (and still believe) Inquest project, which has been going on for ten years. So we took ilnostro time and Rob learned to sing, not without difficulty. Just durantequesto adjustment period were born four songs in nostroEP. In fact there are songs we care very much because they say the quattropezzi the "rebirth" of Devastator . The title is simply dedicated to all those who would not maiscommesso a penny on our new line of three. Unfortunately dallenostre parties, and in Italy there is a lot of people instead of supporting occupail's time to throw shit on those who for years has made the ass. So iltitolo EP is dedicated to all these people. A signal to tell everyone: "we have not yet."
You can read the EP in key breveassaggio in view of the album, as will all the pieces to come together nelfull.

2) The new direction sembraessere then Punk-Hardcore thrasheggiante with the rough voice of stuff to do or are expected to master a few other influence? Tell us qualcosache still do not know, in preview, the new full.
Luke: The EP is effettivamenteuscito to present "new Devastator" to all our supporters. In fact there have been major changes: alivello line-up, gender and especially in the singing, dall'ingleseall'italiano past. For that we decided to include in the 4 pezzidell'EP new album, as I said we have an important meaning. The music sucks seguiràquello say that you can hear on the EP, parts fast and angry and all Initalia. The genus is based, as always, Thrash / Hardcore , Sarannopresenti obviously new influences, it's up to you to discover them when you hear ILCD. I can only say that as always will be different from the previous cd, comeormai the way we want.

3) 10 years of sonoun'enormità for an underground band (albeit a bit, but still underground) as well as the extensive chapter instudio and live. Looking back you have to complain about some "train lost" or think that the current size to fill you up?
Luke: Personally sonopienamente pleased with everything I did with Devastator . And I would not change anything about what we did 10 years Inquest. Of course now I realize that the old records potevanoessere written and recorded a little better, but this is right, siamomaturati over time, both as individuals and as composers. " Not cambiereiassolutamente anything because if we got where we are today is because ciabbiamo always believed and we never gave up (and I assure you that there were leoccasioni unfortunately). Above all, we arrived up there atest high and with dignity, because we have always done everything on nostregambe never payed anyone (see promotion agencies or booking). Lenostre the satisfaction we are removed, we hope to continue to grow!

4) Music sucks: what interpretation to give this nuovotitolo? And what music it really sucks (I mean in Metal or not)? Do not mention gliultimi Iron Maiden that would be like shooting on the Red Cross.
Rob: Sometimes boring dail exhausted due to the play in a band has come to say that Lamus often sucks, but obviously it's a joke. The fact is that since the testiispirati from the paradoxes, few things make it the idea of \u200b\u200bthe paradox of musical entitled Undisco Music FaSchifo Title tailored short ... Now I could tell you that Lamus that disgusts me is that my heart is not made and various diplomats, but But no! I'll give you three names of groups that make me really sucks: U2 , DreamTheater and Anthrax !

5) nuovoalbum The tracklist looks pretty tempting. Titles such as conscience MINOR (sentopuzza of Rubacuori ..?), IF I PAY poisons you, THERE 'S NOTHING TO LAUGH (Juve..?), But most do suck BONO (U2 but I would add) not curious little: what can you anticipate within the text?
Rob: As I said, ITest are inspired by various kinds of paradoxes, for the rest direc conscience I can not talk about IS MINOR but that only an immature conscience feels apostates, THERE 'S NOTHING TO LAUGH comedians talk about the Italians, I think they should strike Edir who do it because it is not to downplay the case, bisognaincazzarsi seriously. For Juve is in the process of composition THERE 'S NOTHING Darida 2, perhaps in a next record.

6) A new feature in Underground'N Roll guess the tracklist is sung in Italian. It 'been a sceltadi Rob as a new singer? E 'because he does not know English or you want to give more risaltoancora texts?
Rob: It 's a choice hadiverse reasons: The first is that the language does not chew direavere the mastery needed to make quality text, and then sottol'aspetto of delivery and the credibility of the Italian texts iltutto make it much more genuine. A curiosity is that the pieces in Italian sonostati criticized because they do not understand the words, but none have ever fiatatosu those in English, this is ultimately positive because it means that Senon are clear, the Italian texts are much more taken into account, COSAC empowers those who write them, so that really say something ... Write texts in the mother tongue is definitely the top! If we do so only now is perchéi groups that inspired us the creation of a band are all foreigners, but today we also slam.

7) Live Chapter: South piùa the date you made was in Naples, shoulder to Assassin . There is so far down statomodo further down? What are you waiting to come to dance in Puglia? It is true that South stinks!
Luke: We vogliamoassolutamente to dance in Puglia, God forbid! We would like tantissimoa down on your side. Some time ago, with the help of a band pugliesestavamo planning a mini tour of three dates in Puglia, then problemiorganizzativi sadly missed. However, we are still in contact with queiragazzi (which Thank you very much for the support they give us) and sicurooccasione we will be back, and we certainly do not see the time. We also Uncontacted with Shock Troopers to go play in Sicily, in the future restatesintonizzati invade the South!

8) Being a big amantedella your beautiful Tuscany and I wanted to ask you if your accent maipensato you have to do a whole album in Tuscany. It 's something to be excluded or èqualcosa that sooner or later you do? Tell us that the situation Metal regional (all in dialettolucchese, finding ways to insert the phrase "coke through a straw!).
Luke: Then, the coca cola Conlie a short short straw has nothing to do with the Lucchese, as is chefiorentino. If I answered the FIA \u200b\u200bcould then Dittel nicely. However unabbiamo never had the idea makes the disc in Tuscany, though it would bonofallo, it would be an idea of \u200b\u200belegance died. In Tuscany, however, is de belliammodo groups, such as the Subhuman that split the ass too, among other things with friends and Loros that person every time you are having fun together as the de matti.Anche Violentor are Ganzi, have left the hard hours and little edatemi straight andatevelo to feel that breaks everything. Then, too, are grandiamici, takes some bria all times by a reggisi standing. I want good ancheparlà de Profanal Livorno are a group Death that there is. For the rest of the scene Metal Tuscan bona bao, is full of groups from Ganzi died, unfortunately, there is also full of groups that caa cock.

The interview conclusa.Congedati by our readers and send them all to fuck off.
Luca: Thank Metal Arch space and ilsupporto! Thanks to you for questions, finally an interview condomande interesting and not always the same old thing. I invite all to listen to each MySpaceall'indirizzo / devastatorcrew or add us on our facebook page. In mid-April aregistrare we begin our new album, get ready for slaughter. We are so, well SECI stand upon, otherwise fuck off!


Panasonic Pv-gs32 Charger

19.03.2011 - 18.03.2011

I came to 10.00, temperature of 11 ° C, partly cloudy.
last days are coming out with an ideal temperature all in sequence so I can remove a layer of air and raise my legs!
This morning I made a slow recovery after yesterday's tirade. Mamma Mia Meets World! After the 5th k I began to experience a slight pain in the quadriceps muscle. As long as they hurt the ones we have always applied, the trouble starts when you have to do bad ankles and tendons.
Tomorrow if I feel better do another slow with a few k more than today, but the important thing is not so much to so many k, but recovered well to then be able to shoot the day's heavy work.
Summary of session:
Tot KM 9.280 - time 43'04 "- average 4'38"

Friday, March 18, 2011

Celiac Disease More Condition_symptoms]

Slow - 2000 + 3x1000

I went out at 9:50, temperature 11 ° C, partly cloudy.
This morning I went out with the intention of attempting to repeat the first series after the stop. I left and I made while heating and 2k I proceeded to think I needed to do.
so I decided to start strong and all of 2000 with a dry test for some condition, since there was still an opportunity to give gas to the whole and then decide how to proceed with the repeated .
Repeated went pretty well, I ended in 2000 7'27 ", then recovered as a slow pace, I decided to continue with a series of 1000 until the condition will allow me. So I have come to these events pace 3 1000: 3'46 "- 3'48" - 3'55 "then I felt my leg crush and I decided that for this first experience was enough, even by virtue of the fact that five days ago I ran the half in Brescia.
I immediately took the road back home because I was not going to make too many k and preserve energy.
Summary of session:
Tot KM 15.280 - Time 1h05'54 "- average 4'18"

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wales I-catcher Console – Web Monitor

16.03.2011 - 15.03.2011

I left at 16.20, temperature 11 ° C, rain.
E ' this morning it rains hard. I returned from work at 13:15 and I hoped to find a window of time where the intensity of the rain diminished, but nothing. At about 16:00 it seemed a good time so I'm prepared and I left.
E 'was only an illusion because even after a couple of k again began to rain heavily, and so instead of making an exit a little longer than yesterday I did a bit shorter.
was raining too much and I did not want to soak for too long, on the other hand this is the second slow to recuperate and then you have so.
Eventually usual final acceleration.

Summary of session:
Tot KM 8.860 - time 40'42 "- average 4'35"

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Diverticulitis More C

Lento - Slow recovery

I left at 13:20, 12 ° C, cloudy.
recovery after half race in Brescia on Sunday.
Legs packaged, not reactive, but that's normal. Good temperature even if the sky is all cloudy and rain threatening at any moment. Hopefully the good weather arrives.
Also tomorrow based on the recovery effort. Same output today, maybe a bit longer.
Summary of session:
Tot KM 9.220 - time 42'20 "- average 4'37"

Sunday, March 13, 2011

My Camera Is A Canon Xsi


IMMORTADELL - Legion Of Raw Metal
(2008, self )

"This album was recorded in business without disturbing diploma.Potreste alert sounds and cacophonous during riproduzionedi this disc, while it completed the recordings, one of the band is shit membridella below. To find out which just smell the photo quisopra. Enter our contest QUANT 'E' on PUTTN MAMMT / immortadell . Although there is no contest Senon Click on it the same, look at our myspace, and maybe leave uncomment vattu pigghj 'Ngulia without sputacchj "

These few lines back cover presentinel already do understand what is the size of Immortadell , Foggia band with a discography already very start: crazy and vulgarity, all in the sauce Judas Priest ilcontorno with the dialect Foggia to seal everything. Legion Of Raw Metal is all this.
The sound and inspiration as I said Judas, but also the inevitable association Atrocity and a pinch of Squallor . Much attention is given to dementissime intro, mad as the same pieces.
REVENGE OF MAMMT (which narradelle legendary MILF who trumpet the boyfriend of the daughter) rests sulchorus U Cianna D Mammt " (insert short fortissimoil dance accompanied by" the heme also leads to the disco THAT 'zoccl de mammt! " ) and a final asorpresa!
DANGEROUS masturbations is lahit album, irreverent text on the dangers of masturbation ( "In the middle of the road / a puddle disborra / slides as a stupid skull to the table!" ) leading to an orecchiabilissimorefrain that springs into the lead with clear inhibitory effects ( "Dangerous masturbations / autoeroticism Can be harmful / Dangerous masturbations / become blind spots! ")! In
GALLIANI HIGHWAY parladi trans is ending at the police station to meet cops, while RADIOATTIVUS anda clear position against nuclear power, but always with the typical tonidissacranti Immortadell , that look strange and dangerous effects such as "u ' Pingon Green . The piece concludes with a final gloss "Nuclear power is wrong, especially unuomo horny!" .
COLON WARS is the most Heavy track of the album (and here we are talking dellacosiddetta "butt trumpet" ) and where the musical aspect anchequello take more over, because in restodell'album, merit or defect, the musical aspect goes almost always secondopiano album in favor of the singer sang Salatino, which catalyzes the texts coisuoi attention to himself, but in the end considering the attitudinedemenziale Immortadell is because lines expected to be so fortunately, his charisma marked stages that may hold up well to the scene.
They close the album THE CALL OF Cutolo, A and PECHENDRIE MAMMT IN THE Cemetery (just to finish as it had begun).
Legion Of Raw Metal is so nice to listen to an album, it goes without saying that it is not a record "for all" as it can be appreciated by Chiha particularly ironic spirit and who, like me, are tired of the usual band "photocopy". The Immortadell Hannoun personality funny and original (and in this part anchela selection sung in a dialect of Foggia, which, although detrimental to the fuoridei its borders is part of a specific style) that is difficult nonconcedere least a smirk. Give them a listen and lasciateviprendere their idiocy, or "pigghatvlaj'ngul without sputacchj" !

NB The CD also contains within tracciacd ROM includes video plus other new songs.

