Saturday, March 19, 2011

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DREKER - In Thrash WeTrust
(2010, self-released)

I Dreker Salento is a band born in 2008 at the behest delvocalist Alessandro Fiore with the intent to combine its spasmodic amoreper the old school Thrash Metal sound commonly powerful and wicked action ironic view of all that giraintorno to each individual! The monicker is none other than the classic dialectic storpiazione Salento Dreher beer, absolutely the most abused in the home of this band. After several changes dilineup you arrive at a well-defined training in which Alexander siaffiancano Germano Panic and Christian Scigliuzzo on guitars, bass and David bisantial Matthew Strong on drums, and with this training comes to life first graduation of the band self-produced EP containing five songs!
The disc opens with Homer Simpson that toasts vocedi nientepopodimenoche ... alcohol! Only this introvale well as a business card, giving a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe musical quintet theProposal Salento, but if this is not enough we are upfront WE WANT TO DRINK, which more than the title of unbrano, is an anthem! Sharp riffs, and chest and rullantesparati, recipe that has nothing but the original context of works perfettamentenel Thrash Metal purely Speed \u200b\u200b of no-frills Dreker . The approach to tedesconi Tankard is inevitable as well as for music, even for the student spirit of the texts and perl'attitudine purely Punk datadal impact of each track, and the songs take shape all sullastessa wavelength , nothing special technicalities at the expense of unaschiettezza vomited every second! The other titles of the songs say what we just said lungasu: BIMBOMINKIA (fan of Tokyo Hotel prepared Lavaselli ... ND / Piranha), WAR OF THEWHORES and the title track IN THRASH WE TRUST. An episode is a part lastrumentale A Moment Of Lucidity, a song by the very structure piĆ¹complessa that in over six minutes travel in different directions in addition to exploring music altrilidi Thrash adispetto title ... but I firmly believe that this is born fondamentalmenteda a collective hangover more grim and significant others. The sins of
IN THRASH WE TRUST certainly not the production that enhances the work of Dreker , often in the episodes and solo guitars are a little too much batter, and while on stage the band is made perfect in your eperennemente ease in the studio there's still a bit '... Mapocho inexperience of evil, this is just the beginning: top bottles and burp free!




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