Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Can Newborn Take Camera Flash

23/03/2011 - 1500 +1000

I went out at 9:40, temperature 13 ° C, sunny.
This morning when I woke up I immediately realized that the leg was not pretty full. I was not tired, but I had the feeling that every great athlete recognizes within himself when he is facing a race or a hard day's work.
I thought I had to do to repeat and I said let's see how I go and then decide on the way as usual.
I started, the day was beautiful, beautiful sunshine, temperature and ideal for racing. The usual first 2k slow pace to warm up and then I left for a 2000 dry, but already the passage of the 500 meters even though the Garmin told me that I was running at a good pace, I did not feel my legs smooth, beautiful, and instead of going to power but with a certain flexibility, I started to meet the latter power, lengthening the stride and pushing hard with their feet. I realized that was not the day and it was better to give up, and that's how I broke in 2000, converting it to a 1500, released honorably with a time of 5'31 "with average or 3'40" / k . Quick recovery and then I left for a 1000 to do agility, closed 3'50 "and finally I pulled the oars. I deleted the repeated and I shortened the session and I'm back home slowly.
Not all donuts with a hole can someone said, the important thing is to understand and overexertion. When there are good conditions for training is useless to insist.
Summary of session:
Tot KM 12.120 - time 53'06 "- average 4'22"


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