26.02.2011 - Whore HouseInc. Dreker + @ Olympian Rock Cafe - Racale (LE)
name Fuckin'mbriacata Metal already says a lot ... atmosphere that you do not see many around, to make dapadrona doubt the genuineness of the night with everything he does from cornice.I conditions are good!
the time to look intornoe see quite a few 'bottles scattered around the room and immediately began primaband, the Whore House Inc . Lorovengono from Bari, was the first time that I saw live. The group sidimostra interesting since the first agreements, they propose a kind with strong roots with influences Southern Rock Stoner .
not heard a band Stoner for many years, especially nelSalento: this can not please me!
the cover fits perfectly deimitici Kyuss , Scratched and dirty but that makes it even more diquello the idea that the band wants to touch.
Currency stage in record time once the hosts etocca Dreker this evening with a new look, new components, but the spirit is still the same, Thrash Metal with no frills and nientealtro.
Intro fits perfectly and suddenly part with WE WANT TO DRINK! , A hint of pogo movimentatodurante that will grow the rest of the exhibition.
Alexander the singer is Unver stunts despite his recovery from a speech yesterday datoprova to what we can do is her voice with his temperament.
BIMBOMINCHIA and VIVA TOPOLINl'apice the student spirit in a good way of Dreker , a band that manages to blend perfectly with the canons of Thrash Metal . Also good prestazionedei components of both old and new line-up despite primaesibizione with this training, they seemed a band already tested by time.
A small point against perentrambe the band was, of course, the sound is not very clean resoentrambe that performance is not at the top, certainly blame the acoustics of locale.Questo however, has distorted what were my expectations of seratache have been repaid in a satisfactory manner.
Good Fuckin 'mbriacato most thrilling!!
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