Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Manfrotto 234rc Heavy Lens

Documentary "Our Timpa"

Our Timpa is a documentary, lasting 52 minutes, Alessandro Aiello, Zoltan Fazekas and Sebastiano Pennisi with the collaboration of Ali Michael. The video traces a path through images and words, through the many paths and various places in the Natural Reserve of Timpa, Acireale the rocky cliff which overlooks the sea. We see faces and gestures of simple people who have a living relationship with their roots and earth, hear the testimony of those who, naturalist, expert or enthusiast, has fought and continues to fight for our natural heritage, with its recognizable variety of fauna and Typical flora in a relatively small, is respected, preserved and enhanced as a mirror of our identity.
La Timpa looks like a place on which to build, through the knowledge and conservation of ancient crafts memorial, values, colors and sounds have been handed down for millennia, a civic consciousness, an ecological sensibility and a science of hope, so that Today's children can live as adults in a world of creatures living creature and not in a concrete box miasma of pestilential.

The documentary "Our Timpa" will be screened in Timpaviva, Friday, July 2 at 20.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Geoffrey Douglas Moore

Music For Eleven Instruments: business is a feeling?

Saturday, July 3, at 22

Although the name might suggest to an orchestra or a group of many members, the music of Music For Eleven Instruments is composed, played and recorded by Salvatore original Sultan of Gela, a town in southern Sicily, after the experience with Flugge, decided to embark on this solo project, reviving those 11 instruments scattered in the rooms of his house. String instruments, percussion, vocals and electronics people, in fact, the tracks on "Business Sentiment Is A" output disk for Red Birds Record. Along with fabulous melodies, atmospheres that attract teenage and spring colors, live together and mingle and traditional Brit-pop, electronic and oriental sounds. Except, with strong songwriting approach, is author of a song form that vedealternarsi rhythm acoustic and electronic percussion to a location extremely rich and varied as smooth and homogeneous. The performance of the songs at times recalls the march of those country bands unleashed on the streets to highlight a particular moment difesta, but veiled, at the same time, a melancholy aftertaste. 1000 in Sicily crushed by problems in the vice-political mafia, the moments of dreams and hope are often disturbed by the vision of a society that is losing every day propi rights. Just as the fact of living in a city where the refinery fumes forced the vitality of a man being locked up in a room, definitely has its impact on the sensitivity of the author. But unless Sultan faces life with conscious light, the same one that pervades the songs on Music For Eleven Instruments ... listen for yourself, because as the title of the disc ... Business Sentiment Is A.

Eviant 7 Hand-held Tv

Emily Platt, visions and inspirations.

"Etna" by Emily Platt

Emily Platt was born in 1989, he attended the Gulli and Pennisi of Acireale and has always cultivated an autodidact's passion for drawing.
After graduation, he attended a year of the Academy of Fine Arts in Catania, Set Design, he moved to Bologna the following year joined the Faculty of Humanities.
During the last year participated in a workshop, assuming the role of director of production in a short film.

music and nature inspire, but also the people, the faces, the details of things, even the most foolish. The content of his works are always the result of visionary and inspiration are fleeting. There is no technical or study.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Vfdeos De Caballos Follando Mujeres

Eirene, and peace.

The music of Eirene settles mainly on ethnic sounds that are interwoven with folk and rock paths: the sounds of the earth and the world revisited in a classic and modern, often surrounded by a dizzying rhythmic crescendo that solution lies in what could be called nothing but ethno-fusion.

The fast-paced and texts written so as to realize the full meaning and musicality of the vernacular Sicilian landings refer to the Saracens, to the dusty streets and sunny Sicilian hinterland, courtyards lit by the latest gossip of the neighborhood.

The Eirene will be performing at Timpaviva, Thursday, July 1 at 21 . You can listen to some songs on .

Eirene, and peace.
No reference to the female world (but always a source of reflection, inspiration and song, and admiration) or to any social event: the name comes from Greece (rigorosamentemagna) and was chosen a bit 'of years ago, the everlasting voice of the group: Lorenzo. It then moves to a small caravan Sicilian music history a little 'twisted: a bustle of musicians who, under the eyes of the omnipresent Lorenzo took turns bringing something important to everyone, from art to life, rooted in conviction about CCA s'jetta components. Click here
story would be complicated enough to say that today Eirene as well as Lorenzo, the historian Stephen (guitar solo - after Lorenzo as this), then Seba (rhythm guitar), save it (accordion, marranzano), Alessio ( percussion, drums, sgrusci) and, finally, the newest Seby (bass and double bass). Musicians
very conscious of not having much in common with each other (just look) at all, though, like stories full of dust and light, like an old stage of a theater, so they chose to tell, and, clearly, so them, convinced that at the same time and in the same way you can make women dance, fire and words go.
All the music, mother, daughter and dressed the text, which has just found the definition, given its vagueness, is best suited to Eirene: contamination. In fact, the music of contamination to be defined in its boundaries need to discourage so many specifications, often, every request: ethnic, funky, rock, pop, folk ... Definitions, willing, come close (at least historically) to each other, but each have an identity: Eirene's have chosen to marry them all every time they see fit, thanks to the awareness of "uncommon" that it is often a source of heated discussions (sometimes burning their own), and adhesive strength becomes. A purely Oriental-adhesive matrix and the Sicilian dialect of the ethnic brand Aces (because it is so large that come from Aci artists).
However, despite the human differences, one thing unites the six Eirene: the wonderful world of women, the engine of the mobile world, which leads them to sing, addressed to the moon, sirens, dimavare of curtigghi of Nedda.
"I told myself to my about the night is always dark: veni cu mine, do not you scantari Huns portu ju ..." ( source)

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Consumer Products Containing Asbestos

Beyond the surface: Tiziana Musmeci

In an instant, the gravity stops, a form of human being is moving as if weightless. The plot of the single color, a metaphor for the events that surround the man, said the smooth surface of the body, which inevitably bears the marks of time. Every man or woman shows the ability to blend in with its surroundings ... without sinking.

Tiziana Musmeci was born in Acireale in 1980. He attended Art School, graduating in 1999. In 2001 he moved to Perugia where he attended the Academy of Fine Arts, graduating in 2007. He currently lives in Acireale.
His painting is born from the photo, which she uses only pictures captured in the theater, in the street to play. Nature is his inspiration, the sea water, in particular, is rooted deep in his visual thinking. The
back in its birthplace, in 2007, is essential: the visual inspiration of sea water daily and creates an explosion of pictorial material on the surfaces of new works. The movement of the body takes over all space, as if to get out of the canvas.

Travesti Camila Jolie

acoustic transposition of human folly: Chocolate Orange Pillow

The Chocolate Orange Pillow, math-rock acoustic duo formed by Peppe Marano (acoustic guitar) and Luca Romano (drums), born in Catania in the summer of 2009 with the intention of telling stories of ordinary life joining their major musical influences from fingerstyle and math-rock. The project takes shape, alternating melodic and dreamy rhythmic use of composite and non-linear, all enriched by the particular use of open tunings that cross style batteristico voted in search of times melodic. COP
I have plans to record their first full-length concept album based on the interpretation of the most common human experiences.

The Chocolate Orange Pillow will perform at TIMPAVIVA, Thursday, July 1 at 21.

Moonraker 2m Antenna,manual

The "emotions on canvas" Carla Montalto

space space I want, so much space
sweet move to the wound;
want room to grow sing
err and take the plunge
of divine wisdom.
Area give me space
I screamed inhuman
that cry of silence over the years
I had first hand experience.

(A. Merino)

indomitable A tangle of emotions, imprinted on the canvas, a process of constant research and liberation, a sense of unfulfilled peace ... is Carla Montalto, born in 1983, classical education - the faculty of Architecture of Reggio Calabria.

zero-channel display at the cultural center of Catania A. Lomax

-Timpaviva 2009

- collective "Burning Bridges Retreat:
"Eye in eye, body to body" a reflection on the figure of Vladimir Mayakovsky
Circolo Culturale Bertolt Brecht Milan.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Smallest Flatbed Negative Scanner

Figures Animated Ezio Scandurra

are not artists (non-painter, sculptor ...)
it craftsman (not a carpenter, potter ... not),
theatrical it (not an actor, dancer ... not),
rather artist, manipulator of form and movement, symbols if you prefer.
Just play!
The framework is my freedom, my fee is possible.
I have no teacher or students, although they exist.
not pursue the technique but the effect is immediate and obvious.

Program of performances Ezio Scandurra:

  • Friday, July 2, at 19 - With Paul Miano and his ukulele, he will use to music Puppet ... a bit 'absurd.
  • Saturday, July 3, at 19 - With Sveva Castrogiovanni and his piano, will dancing female figures.
  • Sunday, July 4, at 19 - By David Rosolini will use the puppet theater and the Kingdom of Anthropic ... including a puppet representing his conscience.

All shows are based on dance figures.


The Dancing Puppets were born to play, starting with the first construction of a puppet with simple recycled materials (wood splint, wire, fishing line, clothing fabrics used, etc..), which with its flowing movement was able to dance to the rhythm of music. Given the rise among friends fun that, watching and manipulating the puppet seemed to return to childhood, began building a series of animated characters, with the consequent possibility of making them dance together and create stories to make them understand.

animated sculptures

present since the origins of humanity, the ancient Greeks called them agalma neurospasta (images moved by wires), cited by writers and philosophers, are now commonly called puppets, confused with puppets and puppet of the Sicilian tradition, relegated for too long in an improbable childhood and folk world, exchanged for toys or the most popular as decorative items, prisoners of theatrical stereotypes that would simply be a metaphor for man, in fact, much more transitional object from the possible effects apotropaic, favored means of communication ...

The construction technique is mainly based on the use of paper with different modes (paper-mache, paper-press, paper-armed), that allows you to produce works in any form.

Biographical information:

Ezio Scandurra born on the slopes of Etna exhalation of the seventies of the last millennium.
He graduated in February 2005 Faculty of Education of Catania with a thesis in Aesthetics and Philosophy of Language entitled "Altering aesthetic perception: phenomenology of the interrelation-anthropic environment in the techno-cultural society" and the title of professional education.
Since 2003, manufactures and puts on shows of animation figures with puppets designed by him at various public and private organizations and has conducted numerous workshops manipulation in associations and educational institutions, groups of different age groups and different types.
In 2005 he collaborated with the laboratory of artistic papier Cartura of Catania The second edition of "U'Bbeddu. In 2006 he joined the group of medieval Sciarivarì Maestro Giuseppe Severini.
In June 2007 he took part with the company MotoMimetico of Catania, Peter Rampazzo Lichtpiraten of Berlin and to the XI International Festival of Shadows Staggia.
In 2008 he props for theatrical performance "Metamorphosis", directed by Elena Sgarlata.
From 2008 he worked with "Invisible Cities" by Mario Giuffrida-art laboratories in the conduct of manuals for the project BambinaRte.
In September 2009 he exhibited his creations at the show-room of the XXXIV festival of puppetry in Cervia.
In 2009, making masks and props for the play "Gilgamesh, the one who saw everything ..." John and Alessandra Calcagno Pescetta, performs a manipulation of shadows for the play "Cassandra" directed by Simon Scuderi and together with Tiziana Musmeci builds scenic masks for the play "Rumor dell'untore" based on the novel by Gesualdo Bufalino, with Luigi Lo Cascio and directed by Vincenzo Pirrotta, produced by Teatro Stabile di Catania.
April 2010 leads to construction of a laboratory at the Puppet Theatre of San Lorenzo in Rome and at the same stages his show "In the Kingdom of anthropic.

The first symptoms of puppets are presented from an early age with acute attacks that were translated into attempts to wire to dolls and puppets, and to dismantle and reassemble everything.
The experiments continued to move, around 12 years, towards the living plant material, with the shaping of miniature trees. But the attraction for the animation of the figures had not disappeared.
parallel studies of Education (man!) pollution and aesthetic theory, continued the construction of forms and mechanisms ... Until one day he built the first wood and cloth puppets, incredibly simple, she could dance to the beat Music. Given the fun aroused among friends, watching and manipulating the puppet, seemed to return to childhood, began building a series of animated characters, with the consequent possibility of making them dance together, creating stories to make them understand. Then with the use of paper-mache the puppeteers became chronic!
Before the children's shows, festivals, schools, associations, centers, then the realization of creative workshops for children and adults ...
Then the trip to France to attend the XIV International Festival of Puppetry in Charleville Mezieres.
Since then, almost, his life revolves around the animation of figures in all its possible applications.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Smallest Flatbed Negative Scanner 2009

Federica Riela: collage and illustrations

Illustration Federica Riela. All rights reserved to the author.

Federica Riel, born in 1988.
In 2007 he graduated at the State Institute of Surveying and Cataloging Art in Catania.
The school experiences and personal approach to painting make it, but he can also forays into the world of illustration and collage.
Always attracted to the world of 'imagination, "the fantastic and the surreal, his artistic production, particularly oil paintings are like" windows "facing visions filled with signs, messages, and many different meanings.
each with its own story to be discovered and enjoyed.
Thanks to "her people" made real what is contained in his mind.

Best Upconvert Blu-ray

The Kalitipie Maria Victoria Torres

Opera "Biancabubacio" by Maria Victoria Torres. Kalitipia and oil, 50x70cm. 2010. All rights reserved to the author.

Maria Victoria Torres has conducted studies in the general psychology and the use of colors in communication, psychology of form, perception, and bracketed. Exhibiting at Timpaviva his creations, obtained with two photographic techniques of IXX century cyanotype, Kalitipia.

It has a very rich art curriculum.

Participation in exhibitions and competitions of Painting:
  • Participation in the "PNA-National Arts Award," Academy of Naples, Naples 2010
  • Participation in the competition-stage Masters Masters students, Department of culture of the province of Florence 's Academy of Fine Arts of Florence, Via Ricasoli-Firenze 0.66. 2010
  • Participation in Perm "Talent prize," InsideArt, via Archimede 201, Rome 2010Partecipazione to perm "Felice Casorati", VII biennial ineternazionale paint, Town Hall Pavarolo, street Barbican ,2-Pavorolo (Torino) 2010Partecipazione the exhibition "Container "at the Palace of Culture, Catania. From April 17 to May 2, 2010.
  • Participation Award Cobat prize ", Associazione Culturale Blob ART, Corso Amedeo 118, Livorno. 2010
  • Participation in the competition "CO. CO. CO. "Como Contemporary Contest, Department of Culture, Municipality of Como, 2010
  • Participation in the Ninth National Painting Competition, Foundation Gaetano Morgese non-profit organization and exhibition at the cloister of the Poor Clares - Terlizzi - Bari From May 9 to 16 2010Partecipazione the Contest of Painting "Art and Sport" 2009-2010, an initiative designed to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Olympic Games in Rome 60, to be held in Vancouver. Fondazione Giulio Onesti-Aoni (Italian National Olympic Academy) and CONI foundation. January 25, 2010
  • Participation in Charity Show "-the Nativity crib in contemporary painting," aims to promote a "Pence for Burundi, "edited by Salvo Russo, an idea by Maurizio Mangione. From 22 December 2009-7 January 2010.
  • Participation at the "Passion for Art" Eisman under the patronage of the Municipality of Verona and the collaboration of the Teatro Stabile di Verona, Fondazione Atlantis Gat.14 October 2009Partecipazione the contest "the Dove" 2008, organized by the restaurant and the 3D Gallery Dove, in collaboration with the former Commerce Casino in Piazza San Marco in Venice. June 30, 2008
  • Participation in the Competition "Premio Celeste" 2008. August 2008

Modified Confidentiality Clause

anomaly of the primate - Giuseppe Risiglione

anomaly primate

Art is an aspect of man and can not possibly regardless of the context that the surrounding . latter importance that very often, not only in art, becomes the victim of an unjustified underestimation. Witness is history, and history mean the only history that humanity has tried to "write" and take with them for generations an that if unfortunately can not always be fully understood for obvious "limits "of its creator, man. It seems absurd that we managed to make huge strides in knowledge, but know how we can contain this individual to individual? This man I recognize the limits, limits that you understand well, have generated as usual inevitable equivoci.Lo same limit that can easily be overcome if assumed greater cooperation and trust between the various social partners in the various fields of study. This, we can only hope it happens more and more, because it would appear unnecessary human activity focused almost exclusively on whether interests in the profits, as happens more often lately.

The interest mainly want to defend, for which I've always had a weak, respect for the natural senses of both aspects of physical and psychic ones. Of this history (wanting at this point to consider, in a view abstract entity as a bearer of truth) was and is a witness even though we can not grasp the truth in its entirety. But above all this as a natural way to interface with the peculiarities of man technology called .
As is natural and the artificial man? And if the technology, the fireworks are aspects of man which in turn is the result of biological evolution, these aspects can be considered a natural progression? In essence, the technology is too kind? What is the boundary between physics and metaphysics?
The question is not so 'simple because you could look at only one point of view at a time, there were also issues of religious, ethical, philosophical and moral of the story to be considered still an open question that we is our cervello.So already know that my only thoughts are, even if based on data already real and proven by science.
The Anomaly of the primate is a huge question mark, a reflection on us men in the dimension of the evolutionary process where the biological and the cultural arrive to struggle and not be more complementary. History will testify that at a certain time instead of human evolution that balance has been achieved.

Risiglione Joseph (painter - Musician)

Born in Catania, 3 March 1986, as a child I had a predisposition for the design and study of music. The music undertaken by studying the piano from 6 to 10 years.
These activities were obviously not considered in the study as the only possibility for my future, because the dream as a child, between a disk Hendrix, Bob Dilan, Rolling Stones and a piano sonata, was an architect. But .... nothing to do.

I attended the Art Institute of Catania address "Cultural Heritage", in the meantime I began to study guitar with thanks a dear friend Joseph Mignemi guitarist not that connects the graph, now in full swing music.
With Mignemi early musical experience with the Hard Rock with White Shadows group projects also unknown.
After about 2 years left the band no longer feel the atmosphere of my Hard Rock continued with other music today led me to other genres. At the end of the course at the Institute, I began studying jazz and modern music in general, for this I owe a lot to maestro Claudio Cusmano and friends with whom I played.
parallel with the study of Jazz attend a course with the teacher Finocchiaro and obtained the license for "music theory" at the Conservatory "Arcangelo Corelli" in Messina.

After attending three years at the Academy of Fine Arts in Catania during experimental Address Painting graduating in tier 110. Currently enrolled at the Jazz three years at the high school musical "Vincenzo Bellini" in Catania.

  • 2006 - I participated in many group shows including: "Christmas" nativity at Castello Ursino;
  • 2007 - "Dancing the tango as an Art-Existence" preface Vitaldo Conte, the Norman Castle of Acicastello ;
  • 2007 - Collective for the construction of sports center in Librino
  • 2008 - Collective DNA (Where does the art) at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Catania
  • 2009 - Collective DNA (Where born art) at the Academy of Fine Arts in Catania
  • 2010 - Channel Zero: collective at the cultural center of Catania A. Lomax

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Manfrotto 3021 Tripod Legs

Video-reportage Timpaviva 2009

A bit 'of history here is the video-reportage of the first edition (19 and 20 September 2009). Shooting and editing of Mark Emmy.